Staying Active While Social Distancing in the Raleigh-Durham Area

It’s hard enough to schedule activity into your daily routine in normal conditions. Finding the motivation to get out and join and exercise class, go to the gym, or go for a walk or jog can be difficult. Under the stay-at-home order placed by Governor Roy Cooper to stop the spread of COVID-19, you have to be even more creative when it comes to finding ways to keep your body moving. While it might be hard, it’s not impossible! There are plenty of resources online to help you find ways to keep active during COVID-19. To get your started, our team at Brian Center Southpoint has put together a list of suggestions for ways for you to get active inside and keep exercising while still safely social distancing! 

Health and Fitness Applications

All you need to stay fit during social distancing is your phone and some space to move in your house! One of the best things about smartphones is the number of workout apps they offer for indoor fitness activities. You can download free workout apps for any type of exercise, from yoga to barre to weightlifting to all types of cardio. To start browsing, go to the app store on your phone and search for the sort of workout you’re interested in. Even better, many paid apps are offering deals during the COVID-19 crisis for limited free trials, so you can explore what app might be a good fit for you. 

YouTube Exercise Videos

A great free resource for staying active while social distancing is YouTube. All you have to do is go to and use the search bar to search for the type of workout you’re interested in—cardio, dance, yoga, stretching, and so on—and add any other things you’re looking for to find a great workout. For instance, you could search “cardio low impact” to find a range of 5-30 minute cardio videos for you to follow along to. With many of these videos, you can get a great workout, no equipment or subscription needed!

Free Online Exercise Classes

If you need a structured approach to exercise, considering joining an online exercise class! To support health and fitness during social distancing, many gyms are offering online exercise classes to help you stay active while stuck at home. Many of these take place weekly over Facebook livestream videos, and others use pre-recorded videos that you can follow along with. A quick Google search can find you plenty of free and subscription options for online exercise classes. Like with YouTube, all you have to do is search what you’re looking for and then start browsing!

Add Movement to Your Daily Tasks

Another great way to be active all day at home is to add a little bit of exercise to different parts of your routine. Try taking the dog for longer walks (making sure to stay at least 6 ft away from any of your neighbors!) instead of turning him out into the yard. When you get up to make coffee, try walking around the house for a few minutes while it’s brewing. If you have a phone call, walk while talking instead of sitting. Do some stretches whenever you take a bathroom break. These little bursts of movement will add up, and will keep you from getting stiff or fatigued from staying in one place for too long. 

Walking or Jogging While Social Distancing

If you can do so safely, being outside is a great way to strengthen your immune system, improve your mood, and lower your stress levels—all of which are important to do during stressful situations like dealing with COVID-19. Currently, the CDC has not advised against outdoor activity so long as individuals remain at least 6 feet from other people at all times. When walking or running, it is safest not to walk closely behind another walker or jogger, as the wind can carry germs back to you in certain conditions. 

If you can do so safely, walking or jogging in your neighborhood can be a good way to get Vitamin D and refresh your mind after a day indoors. There are several walking trails and parks in the Raleigh-Durham area you could also explore, but keep in mind they may be crowded with people with the same idea! Also, check to make sure your local parks are still open before making the trip out.

Here at Brian Center Southpoint, we’re doing everything in our power to protect our patients, residents, and teams during this challenging and uncertain time. If you’re recovering from an accident or injury in the midst of COVID-19, you might be seeking additional support for your healing process. Visit our website to learn more about our services and programs or call us today to speak to one of our team members to find out how we can support you in this time. 

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